
Jill Scarfe

Dr Jill Scarfe, a graduate of the Royal Scottish Academy of Music, worked for many years as a classroom music teacher;...

Tofail Ahmed

A highly accomplished classical musician with twenty years’ experience as a teacher, including whole-class ensemble teaching, Choir singing, small groups, and one-to-one tuition....

Kakoli Shankar Mishra

A dedicated Kathak exponent, Kakoli Shankar Mishra has mastered Kathak with perfection and grace. She is critically acclaimed and renowned for her sensitivity with Abhinaya....

Dr Karaikudi S Subramanian

Dr Karaikudi Subramanian is one of the senior and foremost Vina maestros in India. He is a ninth generation musician in the illustrious Karaikudi Vina Tradition from South India, and disciple of his grand uncle and adoptive father, the legendary Vina player, Karaikudi Sambasiva Iyer....

Vamshikrishna Vishnudas

Vamshikrishna Vishnudas is a vocalist from South India who specialises in traditional Carnatic music and has performed extensively in his home country and received several prizes and awards as a young musician...

Divyanand Caird

Divyanand is a professional South Indian (Carnatic) Classical musician of the Saraswati Veena based in London. He hails from an Indo-Scottish Heritage....

Neena Sohal

Neena Sohal has worked in the arts and heritage sector all her career, following graduation from SOAS, University of London, she he has held senior management level positions in local authorities including the Head of Arts and Culture for the London Borough of Ealing, where...

Ariel Van Straten

Ariel Van Straten was born in New Jersey, USA, the son of a French mother and Dutch father. He grew up in Israel, working as a photojournalist for the national newspaper “Maariv” from the age of 15. He lived and worked in London from 1989...

Anjan Saha

Anjan holds an MA in Cultural Management from City University. He is an Arts Council of England Fellow for Senior Managers, a consultant, writer, broadcaster and an Arts and Heritage specialist....